티스토리 뷰


This article uses commercially available pizza dough and Gorgonzola, as well as homemade dough, tomatoes, cheese, and basil. I would like to tell you about the margherita I used.You can also use commercially available tomato sauce, but I will show you how to make it. 



Gorgonzola Pizza

Gorgonzola Pizza


Gorgonzola Pizza Ingredients

1 pizza dough
50g cream cheese
Gorgonzola Pizza 30g
Almond slices 30g
30g dried cranberries
2Ts honey
A little parsley flakes

Proper Pizza Life Frozen Base Dough 1 for making 10-inch wood-fired pizza 200g x 5Gorgonzola Dioppi Picante Cheese, 150g, 2 pieces

Gorgonzola Pizza Recipe

1. Lightly spread honey on the dough and spread cream cheese on it.
2. Top with pizza cheese, Gorgonzola cheese, almond slices, and dried cranberries.

Bake  in the oven at 250℃ for 5 minutes.

3. Roast the salamander until it is slightly colored and sprinkle with parsley.
→If you can adjust the top heat of the oven, bake for 2 to 3 minutes more at the top heat.

Gorgonzola Pizza Cooking Tips!

1. Cook with honey, not only Gorgonzola but also blue cheese.




Margherita Pizza



Margherita Pizza Ingredients

<Tomato sauce>
1 C tomato puree
 1 C tomato paste
 1T dried basil
 1T oregano
1T minced garlic
2T chopped onion
 1t salt
 1T sugar
a little pepper
<Pizza dough >
0.5kg bread flour
120ml lukewarm water
200ml water at room temperature
5g sugar10g salt
40ml olive oil
20g butter
20g fresh yeast
1 pizza dough
100g tomato sauce
1 flash mozzarella cheese
3 cherry tomatoes
30g basil
50g pizza cheese


Margherita Pizza Recipe

<Pizza dough>
1. Sift the flour and dissolve butter, salt, sugar, and yeast in lukewarm water.


2. After leaving a little bit of water in which the butter was melted, add it to the flour along with olive oil and knead.
Next, adjust the consistency with the remaining butter.
3. After fermentation, shape and perform secondary fermentation. Use a rolling pin or hand to make a circle.
<Tomato sauce>

1. Finely chop the tomato puree and the onion.


2. Stir-fry the pomato paste until the sour smell disappears and add the puree along with 1T of broth.


3. Add all remaining ingredients and boil until thick.→Taste to determine if seasoning is insufficient and adjust herbs to suit your taste. 

<Margherita Pizza>
1. Cut the flash mozzarella cheese into appropriate sizes.
2 Roll the aged dough into a circle and spread the sauce on the dough.
3. Top with pizza cheese, then top with cherry tomatoes and flash mozzarella cheese.

Bake in the oven at 250℃ for 10 minutes.

5. Roast with salamander until lightly colored, then top with basil to finish.
→If you can adjust the top heat of the oven, bake for 2 to 3 minutes more using only the top heat.


Margherita Pizza Cooking Tips!

1. Adding butter to tomato sauce enhances the flavor and makes it stronger than expected.The flavor increases even if you use a lot of herbs.


This was Chef Pingu. thank you
